LUX Scotland | Annual Artist Feedback Request 2023/24

LUX Scotland welcome anonymous feedback from individuals who contributed to the LUX Scotland programme between 1 April 2023 – 31 March 2024. We would be grateful if artists, programmers, writers, researchers and freelancers, who we've worked with in the financial year 23/24 complete a short feedback and equalities monitoring form.

We gather feedback from artists we have worked with on an annual basis, helping us to improve how we work with artists, inform our future programming decisions and help us report to our funders. Your answers will be anonymous, and we welcome your honesty.

If you would like to discuss anything with us separately, please email
Contributor Experience

The information gathered from this section of the form will be used to help us reflect on our contributor's experiences of attending and participating in our programme and how we can improve this experience going forward.
1.Tell us about your experience of participating in a LUX Scotland project / event from the perspective of an artist.

Please consider these points in your answer:
  • What did you expect from working with LUX Scotland and were your expectations met?
  • Was there enough information, support and communication during the planning, delivery and follow up for your project / event?
  • Did you feel the fee you were offered was appropriate to the labour and time that went into the project / event?
  • Were the hours expected of the fee made clear from the beginning?
  • Was there anything specific that could be improved upon which we should take forward in our planning?
  • What other activities would you like to see within the LUX Scotland programme?
About you

This section gathers demographic data on our contributors, based on protected characteristics outlined in the Equalities Act 2010. These questions are voluntary and remain anonymous.
3.What is your age?
4.How would you describe your gender?
5.How would you describe your sexual orientation?
6.Would you describe yourself as disabled?
7.How would you describe your hearing status?
8.How would you describe your ethnicity?
9.How would you describe your belief or religion?
10.Would you say you are from a disadvantaged background?
Why we ask for this information

The feedback provided will be used to inform our future programming decisions. The demographic data gathered will be used to:
  • inform our Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan and analyse its effectiveness
  • inform our access measures and analyse their appropriateness
  • to report to our funders
Collecting this data is part of our anti-racism work. We want to collect this information to help us to measure our progress towards creating a fairer, more equal and ethnically diverse artist moving image sector in Scotland, in an accountable way.

We have devised the questions in this form to reflect data requested by our funders Screen Scotland, Creative Scotland, and Film Hub Scotland. You can read more about how this data is used by Creative Scotland here.

The questions are tick box with the option to self-describe. We have chosen this to allow data comparison and measurement. We acknowledge that although this is useful in some respects, such ways of gathering information can be limiting and does not reflect the full scope of someone’s identity and/or experience. As we develop our approach to data gathering and feedback, we will revisit this to see if there are more effective ways of gathering this information.

If you have any questions on why this data is being gathered and how it will be used, or would like to offer feedback, please get in touch with us.