We value your input and welcome your honesty in completing this satisfaction survey. Please complete our survey by selecting an answer that best communicates your opinion. After completing the questions, please provide additional comments and suggestions in the space provided.  Please indicate the number that represents your opinion using the following legend:

Question Title

* 1. Date


Question Title

* 2. Location

Question Title

* 3. Race

Question Title

* 4. Age

Question Title

* 5. Gender

Question Title

* 6. Time in the Program

Question Title

* 7. I got into the program quickly.

Question Title

* 8. Getting into the program was easy.

Question Title

* 9. The people who helped me get into the program were nice.

Question Title

* 10. I understand the program rules and what happens if I don't follow them.

Question Title

* 11. I understand how the program works.

Question Title

* 12. I received Orientation within 15 days of my assessment 

Question Title

* 13. People who work here care about what I think.

Question Title

* 14. I am encouraged to give my opinion about my treatment and this program.

Question Title

* 15. There are several different ways to offer feedback about the program.

Question Title

* 16. My counselor is interested in what I think about the program.

Question Title

* 17. I know how my opinion is used to improve the program and services.

Question Title

* 18. I am treated with dignity and respect.

Question Title

* 19. My rights were clearly explained to me.

Question Title

* 20. If something happens that I don't like, I know how to file a complaint.

Question Title

* 21. I have never felt threatened or have been mistreated.

Question Title

* 22. My problems and needs are understood.

Question Title

* 23. I feel my counselor listens to my problems without judging me.

Question Title

* 24. If I have a new problem or need, there are ways to communicate to staff.

Question Title

* 25. I understand why I am asked questions about my problems.

Question Title

* 26. I feel respected when people ask me about my life and problems.

Question Title

* 27. I know the goals of my treatment plan.

Question Title

* 28. I helped create the goals on my treatment plan.

Question Title

* 29. My treatment plan is based on my needs.

Question Title

* 30. I review my treatment plan on regular basis.

Question Title

* 31. My treatment plan is changed when things change in my life.

Question Title

* 32. I would recommend this program to my family and friends.

Question Title

* 33. My counselor cares about me.

Question Title

* 34. My counselor understands my problems, my needs, and my goals.

Question Title

* 35. Everybody who works on my case cares about me.

Question Title

* 36. I am encouraged to get my family involved in my treatment.

Question Title

* 37. My life has improved since entering this program.

Question Title

* 38. I am doing better in school, work, and/or daily activities.

Question Title

* 39. My family life has improved.

Question Title

* 40. I am involved in social activities that support my treatment.

Question Title

* 41. I am better at handling stress.

Question Title

* 42. My religious and spiritual beliefs/practices are respected.

Question Title

* 43. The staff has a good understanding of my social and family background.

Question Title

* 44. The staff communicates with me in a way that I can understand.

Question Title

* 45. I feel that staff understands my beliefs about life and my treatment.

Question Title

* 46. I feel the program is sensitive to people's beliefs and differences.

Question Title

* 47. SCS treats all people equally.

Question Title

* 48. I believe that SCS values my personal health and safety.

Question Title

* 49. You receive your services via