Question Title

* 1. Name (Optional)

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* 2. Organization (Optional)

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* 3. How comfortable do you feel explaining the concept of river corridors to municipal officials and other local leaders? (1 being least comfortable and 5 being most comfortable)

Question Title

* 4. In your experience, which of the following messages listed below are most likely to motivate municipal officials and local leaders to take action to protect river corridors? (please select up to 5)

River corridor protection....

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* 5. What do you think is the greatest impediment to more municipalities taking action to protect river corridors?

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* 6. What kinds of materials do you find most helpful to provide to municipal officials and other local leaders regarding river corridors and options for protecting these areas? (1 being least helpful and 5 being most helpful)

  1 (least) 2 3 4 5 (most)
Handouts/fact sheets
Examples from other communities
Presentation/powerpoint slides
Graphics that can be inserted into other materials

Question Title

* 7. Please give us specific ideas for additional resources that would help you explain river corridors and how and why they should be protected to municipal officials and other local leaders. Please be as specific as possible (i.e. “a video about …” or a “graphic that explains…”).