Moran Township Recreation Plan

1.How long have you been a part of Moran Township (living, working, or recreating in the community)?
2.Which kind of Township member are you?
3.How satisfied are you with the present number of public parks and recreation facilities available in Moran Township?
4.How Satisfied are you with the maintenance of public parks and recreation facilities available in Moran Township?
5.How satisfied are you with the amount of land that is set aside for recreation purposes in Moran Township?
6.What additional recreational facilities does your community need? (check all that apply)
7.Approximately how often during the past year did you, or members of your household use, or visit any public park or recreation facility located within Moran Township?
8.Please rate your impression of the facilities that you use most frequently.
9.Would you be willing to pay a nominal fee for entrance to improved parks and recreational facilities?
10.Where would you most like to see funds most allocated for recreation services?