We want to hear your voice!

Hello GEA Unit A Members:
I know it seems like we just finished our last negotiations, but it's "that" time again.  We will be negotiating much of the rest of this year and hope to have a contract before the current contract runs out in August.
Please take a moment to let us know what issues are of particular importance to you.  We will leave space for you to elaborate.  As always, PLEASE reach out to your building reps and / or to one of us on the Executive Committee as well.  We like to hear from you and our goal is to hammer out a contract that works well for everyone.
The GEA Executive Committee
  -  Jim Duggan, President
  -  Bill Brown, Vice President
  -  Val Zeh, Treasurer
  -  Sarah McNamara, Membership Chair
  -  Hannah Sullivan, Secretary
  -  Karen Leis,  ESP Representative

Question Title

* 1. Which school do you primarily work in? 

Question Title

* 2. I have worked  for the Gateway School district for:

Question Title

* 3. Please rank the following issues in terms of their importance to you during negotiations, with 1 being "most important" and 9 or 10 being "least important" :

Question Title

* 4. If you would care to elaborate on or clarify your above ranking, please do so here (the textbox holds plenty of text, and expands as you write)

Question Title

* 5. If there's anything else you would like us to know as we prepare to meet with administration to create an updated contract, please let us know here. (the textbox holds plenty of text, and expands as you write)

Question Title

* 6. Given the uncertainty of funding from the state, and the early stages of the Barr Foundation grant (which could change the game for Gateway financially), what do you think the term of our contract should be?  Keep in mind that there are many factors affecting this decision, and not all are under our control.  Generally, we've found that longer-term contracts work in our favor, but these are interesting times.

Question Title

* 7. Please explain your answer above (if you want)

Question Title

* 8. Please use the sliding scale to rate you morale at this point in the 2023-2024 school year.

Very Low (unhappy) Meh... Very high (extremely happy)
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.