Basin Recreation Website Feedback

Basin Recreation is undertaking a review of its website in an effort to guide staff on a potential website redesign project. Your feedback will help inform staff on how the website is used, what challenges exist, and how to improve the user experience. Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete this short survey.
1.How often do you visit the Basin Recreation website?
2.What is your preferred method of browsing the Basin Recreation website?
3.In general, how easy is it to find what you are looking for on the Basin Recreation website?
4.What are your main reasons for visiting the Basin Recreation website (select all that apply)?
5.If you view the website for trail information, do you find the interactive maps helpful?
6.Please rate the statements below.
Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Somewhat Disagree
Strongly Disagree
The home page is easy the navigate.
I like the overall look and feel of the website.
I often visit to look for a specific piece of information.
I learn more about Basin Recreation after visiting the website.
I always find what I am looking for on the website.
7.How else do you get information about Basin Recreation other than the website (select all that apply)?
8.What features/improvements would you like to see in the future on the Basin Recreation website?
9.Please rate your user experience of the Basin Recreation website.
10.Your feedback about the Basin Recreation website is important to us. Please share any additonal comments below.