OWLS Queen's Bench 2025 Planning Survey
Queen's Bench has historically offered monthly noon luncheons on the second Tuesday of the month with a featured speaker. How many Queen's Bench luncheons did you attend in 2024?
If you did not attend many Queen's Bench luncheons in 2024, why not?
Inconvenient time/day
Inconvenient location
Was not aware of events
Lack of interest in topics
Lack of remote/hybrid option
Insufficient networking/connection opportunity
None of the above
Other (please specify)
Would you be more likely to attend Queen's Bench events if they were held at varying locations/times?
Would you be more likely to attend a Queen's Bench event focused on an opportunity to connect with others or a presentation with CLE credits?
I would prefer an event focused on providing an opportunity to connect with others and network
I would prefer an event focused on providing a presentation with CLE credits
I do not have a preference
I am not interested in attending either type of event
Other (please specify)
When would you be most likely to attend an event?
Weekday early morning (before 8:30 a.m.)
Weekday lunch hour
Weekday happy hour (5:00-7:00 p.m.)
Weekday evening (after 7:00 p.m.)
Weekend day
Weekend evening
Other (please specify)
Where would you be most likely to attend a Queen's Bench event?
West of the Willamette
Inner Eastside
North/Northeast Portland
East Portland/Gresham
Other (please specify)
Would you be likely to attend an event aimed at any of the following groups/activities?
Members with children that include family-friend activities/locations
Neurodivergent members
Gembers going through transition in their careers
Lawyers of color or a specific underrepresented group within the legal field
LGBTQ+ members
Specific areas of practice (please specify which area in the "other" option below)
New/young attorneys
Outdoor or sport activities
Creative/crafting activities
Food or wine tasting
Other (please specify)
None of the above
How much would you be willing to pay to participate in a Queen's Bench activity?
I would be willing to pay for my own entry/registration, so long as it is a reasonable amount
I would be willing to pay for my own food/drink, so long as it is a reasonable amount
Other (please specify)
Would you or your organization be interested in sponsoring a Queen's Bench event?
If you are possibly willing to sponsor, please enter you name and email address here
Is there any other feedback you would like to give to Queen's Bench as we plan events and activities for 2025?
Yes. Please see my comments in the "other" box below
No. I was able to provide all of my input in the questions asked.
Other (please specify)