Dear Partners,
Due to the uncertainty of the COVID-19, United Way of Hernando County asks that all health & human service organizations be proactive during this trying time by participating in the following survey. Your responses will help us on a county-wide level identify LOCAL unmet needs, gaps in services, potential solutions, room for improvement, and hopefully some action items for our community leaders and for our Hernando COAD (Community Organizations Active in Disaster). Please respond to all that apply to your organization/agency/church/health & human service group. Thank you for all that you do for Hernando residents and families. Results will be compiled, evaluated, and shared.

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* 1. Name of Your Organization

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* 2. Contact Name Completing Survey

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* 3. Appropriate Contact Phone #

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* 4. Appropriate Contact Email Address

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* 5. What focus area(s) does your organization/program support? (please select all that apply)

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* 6. What services does your organization/program provide? (please select all that apply)

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* 7. List the Program Name(s) that correlate to the services listed above:

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* 8. Are your doors still open to the public?

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* 9. Have your hours of operation changed?

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* 10. Is your organization listed on United Way's 211 Hernando? www.UnitedWayHernando.org/211

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* 11. Have you seen any gaps in local services your organization/program is currently trying to fill?

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* 12. How has COVID-19 impacted your organization/program's daily activities?

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* 13. Are you currently a part of Hernando's COAD (Community Organizations Active in Disaster)?

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* 14. How would you categorize your organization/program's existing and/or future local role within these three phases of partnership for our community?

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* 15. What would be needed to provide IMMEDIATE relief for some of the barriers you are currently facing?

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* 16. What would be needed to provide LONG-TERM relief for some of the barriers you are currently facing and/or anticipating?

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* 17. What are your long-term plans to handle the effects of the disruptions caused by COVID-19?

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* 18. Please explain in detail the financial impact of this pandemic on your organization/program, if any.

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* 19. At this time, does your organization/program anticipate any of the following?

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* 20. Is your organization/program aware of or utilizing any of the following?

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* 21. What do you see being Hernando's most pressing unment need, potentially?

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* 22. Would you or your team be interested in volunteering in response to the potential county needs that arise?