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* 1. What initially brought you to our meal team?

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* 2. What do you like about volunteering with the meal team at Teen Feed?

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* 3. What did you NOT like about volunteering with the meal team at Teen Feed?

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* 4. Are there any improvements you wish could be made? (choose all that apply)

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* 5. Do you volunteer with any other organization that provides food to homeless people?

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* 6. If so, which ones?

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* 7. Is there anything we can learn from them? What are they doing differently/better than we are?

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* 8. Right now the primary form of communication is a “Sign Up Genius” sign up sheet that is sent out via email. How is this working for you? Any problems, issues, suggestions?

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* 9. Are there other ways we should be communicating?

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* 10. Are you a member of Temple Beth Am?

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* 11. (TBA members only): How well do you feel TBA supports our meal team? Is there anything they could be doing differently?

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* 12. Any other comments, suggestions, input?

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* 13. Tell us who you are (totally optional - but helpful so we can follow up on any recommendations or ideas)