Club/School CanSkate Excellence Application

Question Title

* 1. Club/School Name

Question Title

* 2. Contact name

Question Title

* 3. Email - Please enter an email contact for the application.

Question Title

* 4. CanSkate Minimum Standards - Please select the standards with which your CanSkate session complies.
*All minimum standards are required for Minimum and Advanced standard applications.*

Question Title

* 5. CanSkate Advanced Standards - Please select areas in which your CanSkate session complies.
*12 of the 14 items are required to qualify for "Advanced Standard"*
*** "Use of Circuits" criteria is MANDATORY for "Advanced Standard"***

Question Title

* 6. Please attach a detailed session plan that includes the following:
a.    Session format/layout – Include the number of stations and the format on the ice for lesson time (overhead view).
b.    Session timing – Include a schedule of the session breakdown
Example: (Warm-up (5 min), Fast track (30 sec), Lesson time #1 (10 min), Fast track (30 sec), Lesson #2 (10 min)…etc.)
*If you would like to upload more than one file, there will be an option in the next question to upload a second file.
Supported file formats are PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG.

DOCX, DOC, JPEG, GIF, JPG, PDF, PNG file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 7. Session Plan - Optional additional file upload.

DOCX, DOC, JPEG, GIF, JPG, PDF, PNG file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 8. Enter the details of your parent communication plan. Include planned dates of parent meetings.

Question Title

* 9. Enter the details of your Program Assistant training plan. Include details such as the number of sessions, time of year, mentoring program, etc.

Question Title

* 10. What system does the club use to award skaters their ribbons and badges?

Question Title

* 11. Please enter the start and end dates for your Fall/Winter CanSkate session

Question Title

* 12. List the times of your weekly CanSkate Sessions. Please include any cancelled sessions in brackets.

Example: Monday & Wednesday sessions from 5:00-5:45pm with a tournament cancellation October 8th.

Monday - 5:00-5:45pm (October 8)
Wednesday - 5:00-5:45pm

Once selecting "Done", you will have completed your CanSkate Excellence program application survey. 

The next step is to submit payment for the application. CLICK HERE to go directly to the payment site.

Once the survey and application is received, our team will determine the best method of evaluation (CanSkate Specialist visit or Video submission). We will then connect directly with your selected contact (within 2 weeks of receiving the application survey and payment) to continue the process.

If you have any questions, please contact Sharon Maki at