Thank you for taking a few minutes to complete this brief survey.  Your input will provide the planning committee with direction on how to improve the inititative. 

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1. Participation in the Challenge enabled me to

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2. Because of the Challenge, I am making healthier choices in food and activity levels.

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3. I'm looking forward to participating in the Challenge again next year.

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4. I felt the Challenge was (check all that apply)

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5. I participated in the Challenge because

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6. I followed the public GHWLC Facebook page during the Challenge (Facebook/GHWLC).

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7. I joined the private 2018 GHWLC Participant Facebook Page.

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8. As a team captain, I supported my team by (check all that apply):

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9. I am interested in volunteering for the 2019 Challenge in the following area(s):

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10. I am interested in information on the following health topics

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11. If you answered "Yes" to question 8 or requested information in question 9, please provide your name and contact information.

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12. Please provide any additional comments you'd like to share regarding the Challenge