AEAWA Membership Survey

Dear members,
Yesterday you would have received an email from Executive Director of Ambulance Operations Deon Brink, advising that the Metro Management Model has been approved for wider rollout.
St John claim that the impetus for this ‘reformed’ managerial model was the 2019 Culture Survey Results, which indicated just 44% of staff had confidence in senior management, and felt ‘listened to’ by senior management.
Unfortunately, the organisation has so far declined to provide employees with the opportunity to submit anonymous feedback in relation to the model, thus failing again to listen to their staff. The AEAWA are therefore conducting a second survey of our membership, to understand if our members believe this model will address the failings highlighted in the 2019 Culture Survey.

Please feel free to add in any comments you wish so we can use your feedback to once again approach the organisation.

Question Title

* 1. Have you worked in the South West Pilot?