Sample Student Survey for ByFlex Course Delivery

1.Do you prefer taking an online course to taking an in-classroom course?
2.Did you attend the online sessions often? For example, when you needed help, wanted to attend the lesson to get a better understanding of the course content, or needed to ask a question or get support from the professor?
3.Did you read the Class Summary posted in the News area by your professor after each class?
4.Did you watch the video recording of the class session that was posted in the News area after each class?
5.Were you able to follow the course design in eCentennial and understand what you were supposed to be working on each week and what was due on specific dates?
6.While this was an online synchronous course delivery, the professor used an asynchronous eCentennial course design, meaning that students were able to attend classes online when they needed or wanted to, but they were also permitted to skip attendance and work on their own accord by following the instructions the professor posted in the News area after each class, working through the materials posted the Weekly learning modules, and completing assignments by the due dates.

Was this option for attendance helpful to you as a student?
7.Consider your overall grade in the course?  Do you know why and how you obtained the grade you did?  What did you do well?  What went wrong? Would you like to comment?
8.Is there anything else you would like to share about the course design, professor, weekly learning objectives, videos, textbook, etc.?