The Landlord Engagement Action Network (LEAN) is a team of
local housing specialists working closely with landlords to provide
affordable and accessible housing for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness.

You have already done fantastic work in the community by providing housing to individuals and families of all kinds – thank you!

LEAN has partnered with the Government of New Brunswick, front-line service agencies and local landlords to work with those in our community who most need it. 

Landlords are an important part of the equation.

Our process supports landlords in the following ways:

·         Landlords receive guaranteed rent.

·         Support workers and programs are available to help tenants
establish a positive working relationship talking to landlords each month (or more frequently as required) to identify any tenancy issues that arise.

·        Tenants are pre-screened and supported.

·         A formal Prevention Program provides financial and case
management support to mitigate tenancy issues.

The following survey is a first step in building a partnership between LEAN and community landlords. The questions in the survey will provide valuable insight into your expertise as a landlord and help to answer questions in the following areas:

Background: We’d like to get a better understanding of your experience working with subsidized housing and other similar programs.

Supports, Solutions, and Community Engagement: We’ll tell you more about available housing programs and structures and inquire about your renewed interest in participating in these programs.

Strengthening Partnerships and Developing Resources: We want to know how we can help! We would like to gain a sense of the value of
strengthening partnerships and available resources for landlords in our


Question Title

* 1. Background

Let’s begin by getting a better understanding of your experience as a landlord; specifically, we are interested in understanding more about your experience working with subsidized housing programs.

Have you ever participated in a rent supplement program in the past?

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* 2. If yes, are you still participating?

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* 3. How would you rate your experience working with subsidized housing programs?

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* 4. If no, what has prevented you from participating?

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* 5. If you have participated in the past, and are no longer participating, what is the reason?

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* 6. Supports, Solutions, and Community efforts to reduce homelessness

Saint John’s By-Name List (BNL) is the city’s centralized list for prioritizing housing supports and services for people experiencing homelessness. With improved coordination and efficient intake practices, people
experiencing or at risk of homelessness can access appropriate supports and services more quickly. 

Prior to this survey, were you familiar with the BNL or Coordinated Access? 

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* 7. If no, would you be interested in more information?

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* 8. Are you interested in helping with our effort to reduce homelessness in Saint John?

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* 9.  If so, what do you see as the biggest barrier that prevents you from assisting?

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* 10. Saint John’s Coordinated Access system is made up of a variety of robust housing programs which provide either financial or case management support to those experiencing homelessness. Examples of these programs include the following:

Case Management Supports

Housing First - Housing for those experiencing chronic homelessness with intensive support by case managers.

Rapid-Rehousing - Housing for those experiencing occasional or situational homelessness supported by case managers.

Disability Support Programs- Individuals with physical or cognitive disabilities that are supported by case managers in community living programs (NBACL, Ability NB).

Specialized in-home supports for targeted populations. For example, PCAP supports mothers managing an addiction.

Youth Housing Programs- Housing intervention for youth transitioning from child protective services or other transitional models into independent living supported by case managers.

Financial Supports

NB Housing Rent Supplement Program – This program is offered by the Department of Social Development. Tenants qualifying for assistance through the Rent Supplement Program will have their rents reduced to 30% of the adjusted household income (for rent, heat, hot water, fridge & stove). Landlords receive the difference between the rent paid by the tenant and the agreed-upon market rent.

Agency subsidy program- Monthly subsidy provided by local agencies or programs to support vulnerable people. Rent is paid directly to the landlord.

We combine case management and financial supports so that people are sustainably housed and supported.

Given the above information regarding the existence of Case Management and Financial programs to support people, are you interested in working with these programs?

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* 11. If yes, why?

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* 12. If no, what remains a barrier to participation?

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* 13. We would like to understand more about your needs as a landlord and how we can support you. In the past, what types of challenges have you experienced? (Check all that apply)

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* 14. Through Coordinated Access, tenants have access to case management support by community, financial support from Social Development, and landlords have the ability to access support from case managers and financial support as well. Through this innovative approach, we can address some of the common landlord/tenant issues. What types of support would benefit you most as a landlord? (Check all that apply)

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* 15. Which of the following do you currently require when selecting a tenant? (Check all that apply)

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* 16. If you were to become a partner of this program, which of the following would you consider waiving or reducing for tenants supported by the program?

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* 17. A Standing Eviction occurs when a landlord issues a notice to evict with the understanding that if the behaviours or issues leading to the eviction change over the month, then the notice may be overturned. During this time, support agencies can intervene to work with the tenant and the landlord to develop a plan to mitigate further issues and sustain the tenancy.

When appropriate, would you consider employing a standing eviction as a practice?

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* 18. Strengthening Partnerships and Developing Resources

LEAN aims to develop stronger relationships with community landlords including an understanding of landlord needs and how best to engage them in providing housing opportunities.

One best practice occurring across the country is to develop an online vacancy database that provides an opportunity for landlords to post available vacancies.

If we were to develop an online vacancy database to offer tenancy options to program participants, would you be interested in listing your vacancies in this database?

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* 19. If no, what influenced your decision?

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* 20. If yes, please check all that you would benefit from while using this online database:

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* 21. A second aim of LEAN is to work with landlords doing this work in Saint John and connect with them to discuss common challenges and celebrate successes. Would you be interested in attending an event to meet those involved and get more information on this project?

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* 22. If yes, do you prefer an online virtual event or an in-person event (aligned with COVID-19 regulations)?

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* 23. Would you benefit from a group platform like Facebook where you could share common experiences with landlords and those who support people in housing?

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* 24. Is there anything else you would like to see included or any comment you would like to add?

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* 25. If you’re interested in staying connected with LEAN, please provide your name, company name and contact information below.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. This project is part of our broader work toward ending homelessness in Saint John. We are happy to invite you to join us in this exciting campaign. Just by completing this survey, you have contributed to this effort. We hope to work foster a mutually beneficial relationship with you moving forward.