Each month, we will hold a raffle and you can win your organization $2000. To enter the raffle, submit your story on how you leveraged the LinkedIn solutions across the following topic areas:

• Upskilling: Bringing jobseekers, displaced workers, and long-term unemployed closer to employment success

• Professional Development: Enhancing your capacity as practitioners

• Digitization: Leveraging modern resources that support digitization in sector and close gap between job seekers & employment

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* 1. Tell us about you!

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* 2. What's your job title?

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* 3. Which LinkedIn solution(s) did you use?

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* 4. How did you embed the solution(s) into your workflow?
(Please be as specific as possible with the steps you took)

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* 5. How did the solution(s) make you more effective and/or efficient in the outcomes you are trying to drive?