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* 1. Please click here to review the Title I Planning Meeting presentation. After reviewing the presentation and reading the three options for the new Family Engagement Allotment, which option would you like to see Washington High School utilize?

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* 2. Please give a brief explanation for why you chose the option above in Question 1.

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* 3. What recommendations do you have for the allocation of the Title I 402 funds ($28,580)?

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* 4. How can we involve parents in an organized, ongoing, and timely way in the planning,
review, and improvement of schoolwide programs?

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* 5. What method of distribution of information works best for parents in our school community?

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* 6. How can the school best schedule meetings that will accommodate the varied schedules of parents in our school community?

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* 7. What innovative methods can the school implement to increase parent presence and engagement?

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* 8. What type of parent workshops would you like to see offered?

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* 9. What instructional strategies and/or technology work best for your child?

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* 10. What other comments or concerns would you like to share with the school?