Venture Elements

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* 1. What is the name of your business?

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* 2. What problem are you trying to solve? What is the market size for this problem?

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* 3. Describe your technology and intellectual property.

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* 4. What steps have you taken to protect your intellectual property? What IP milestones have you achieved? Who is your IP attorney?

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* 5. Tell us about your leadership. Who are the founders and how did they come together to launch this venture? Who is on the Board of Directors and how are board members compensated?

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* 6. Who do you perceive to be your competitors?

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* 7. What is the current legal structure of your business?

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* 8. Where is your business headquartered?

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* 9. Do you have a website?

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* 10. Have you emailed your pitch deck and executive summary to This is required for preliminary review. You are encouraged to also send a link, to the same email address, to a YouTube video of you providing a 5 minute pitch.

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* 11. Does your business qualify for special socioeconomic status as determined by the U.S. Federal Government?

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* 12. What is the primary NAICS code(s) of your business?

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* 13. Do you have a DUNS number?

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* 14. What stage of funding do you seek for your business?

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* 15. How do you plan to use the investment? What specific milestones will you achieve?

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* 16. What is your revenue today? How many paying customers do you have today? What is your headcount today?

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* 17. What is your valuation today? What metrics were used to establish this number?

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* 18. What is your exit strategy and timeline? If you have a list of strategic acquirers, please list and indicate the strength of your existing relationship and their level of interest.

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* 20. Do you have reseller agreements or joint venture agreement in place with trusted strategic partners?

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* 21. Have you competed for and won a federal contract or a federal grant? If yes, please provide agency, size and scope of work.

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* 22. Have you obtained a Federal contract vehicle or schedule? Please describe.