Rattlesnake Greenway 2021 rev 1

1.Proposal 1 - Missoula Ave: After receiving approximately 40 feedback comments from the neighborhood and the Fire Marshall, the cul-de-sac proposal for Missoula have has been replaced with a diverging one-way strategy. This a) achieves the goal of eliminating cut-throughs, b) keeps Missoula Ave open for emergency vehicles and c) gives Charis Lane residents unaltered access both in and out. These were the three primary concerns raised. Please comment by comparing the revised proposal for a diverging one-way with the unfeasible original proposal for a cul-de-sac.
2.2. Proposal 2 - Spruce St to Mountain View Drive: The overwhelming majority of comments for the original proposal were negative, especially from Charis Lane residents. The bike/ped trail in the revised proposal, rather than impinging on a privately-road, travels along the west bank of the Rattlesnake, then crossing the creek a the Charis/Bugbee border. Please provide your feedback on this revision, comparing it to the original proposal.
3.3. Please use this question to provide feedback to the March/April responses to the original proposals of which there were 19 Positive, 9 Neutral, and 9 negative responses. Thank you.