Survey to evaluate the needs of EAACI members regarding communication within the Academy

1.Please, select your type of EAACI membership(Required.)
2.Are you a member of a national allergy society (NAS)?(Required.)
3.Are you taking advantage of the EAACI NAS Dual Membership Programme?(Required.)
4.Why have you not used EAACI/NAS dual membership*?(Required.)
5.Please, select your professional background(Required.)
6.Are you active on Social Media (e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram…)?(Required.)
7.Please, rate the usefulness of the following channels to keep up with EAACI activities. Rank each channel from 1 (not useful) to 5 (extremely useful).(Required.)
1 Not useful
2 Slightly useful
3 Useful
4 Fairly useful
5 Extremely useful
Mass e-mails
Social Media Channels
EAACI Review
Targeted emails to specific groups of members (e.g. sections, interest groups, working groups, etc.)
My EAACI section with its chat box
EAACI knowledge hub
8.Please, rank the relevance of the following information for deciding your attendance to an EAACI event (annual meeting, focused meetings, allergy schools or master classes). Rank each item from 1 (not relevant) to 5 (extremely relevant).(Required.)
1 Not relevant
2 Slightly relevant
3 Relevant
4 Fairly relevant
5 Extremely relevant
Scientific program
Registration fees
Easiness to apply for travel grants and scholarships
Format of the sessions (symposia, workshops, pro/con, etc.)
Event format (in person or hybrid)
9.EAACI disseminates scientific content of EAACI events before, during and after it has taken place. Please, rank the interest of the following information in relation to this. Please, rank each item from 1 (not useful) to 5 (extremely useful).(Required.)
1 Not useful
2 Slightly useful
3 Useful
4 Fairly useful
5 Extremely useful
Posts on social media channels about the sessions
Posts on social media channels about the networking opportunities during the event
Webcast of the sessions
Interviews with congress organizers and speakers
Reports about the event in EAACI Review
10.The EAACI Knowledge Hub is a newly launched platform for e-education including modules, research, podcasts, and patient-tailored resources under one roof. Regarding the EAACI Knowledge Hub (KH). Please, rank each item from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree).(Required.)
1 Strongly disagree
2 Disagree
3 Neither agree nor disagree
4 Agree
5 Strongly Agree
It is a useful resource to be up-to-date on the latest research on allergic diseases and asthma
I use the content of EAACI KH for my professional activity
EAACI KH should cover more topics
EAACI KH should provide more CME accredited resources
It is easy to navigate and find information on the KH webpage
The EAACI KH is visible on the EAACI communication channels
11.Suggestions to improve the content of the KH
12.Suggestions to improve the navigation through the KH
13.Please, rank the relevance for your practice of the following resources to be displayed on EAACI KH. Rank each item from 1 (not relevant) to 5 (more relevant).(Required.)
1 not relevant
2 slightly relevant
3 relevant
4 fairly relevant
5 strongly relevant
EAACI Learning modules with CME (eg T2 diseases)
EAACI learning modules without CME
EAACI Guidelines (eg biologicals in severe asthma)
EAACI Position Papers
Consensus documents (eg PRACTALL)
EAACI books (eg White Paper, atlases, etc.)
EAACI webinars
Information about the aim and scope of EAACI Task Forces
EAACI journals (Allergy, PAI, CTA) monthly highlights
COVID-19 resources
14.Regarding the dissemination of the EAACI KH. For each item press Agree/Disagree button.(Required.)
Dedicated e-mails should be sent to EAACI members whenever the content is updated
Content updates should be posted on EAACI social media channels
Content updates should be further emphasized on EAACI website
15.When accessing EAACI website, what type of information/content do you preferentially look for? Please, rank the relevance of each item from 1 (not relevant) to 5 (extremely relevant).(Required.)
1 Not relevant
2 Slightly relevant
3 Relevant
4 Fairly relevant
5 Extremely relevant
EAACI events (dates, locations, scientific program, etc.)
Educational opportunities (fellowships, scholarships, mentorship program, etc.)
Scientific resources in the KH (guidelines, position papers, journals, webinars, etc.)
EAACI structure (leadership, sections, interest groups, working groups, committees, task forces, etc.)
EAACI advocacy activities (White paper, Interest Group at European Parliament, awareness campaigns)
Patient-tailored information
Membership information (benefits the members are entitled to)
16.Regarding EAACI mass e-mails: For each item press Agree/Disagree button.(Required.)
They are useful tools to keep up with EAACI activities
They should be more concise
We receive too many of them, they should be clustered in a periodic e-bulletin or similar.
They should be more focused on specific member subgroups (e.g. members of the section/interest group, members interested in an EAACI event or other activity, etc.).
I would prefer not to receive EAACI mass e-mails.
17.Please, rank the relevance of EAACI social media channels from 1 (not relevant) to 5 (extremely relevant).(Required.)
1 Not relevant
2 Slightly relevant
3 Relevant
4 Fairly relevant
5 Extremely relevant
Facebook (either EAACI, EAACI JMs, or Allergy journal)
Twitter (either EAACI, EAACI JMs, or Allergy journal)
Instagram (either EAACI or Allergy journal)
18.Please rank the relevance of the following information to be featured on EAACI social media channels. Rank each item from 1 (not relevant) to 5 (extremely relevant).(Required.)
1 Not relevant
2 Slightly relevant
3 Relevant
4 Fairly relevant
5 Extremely relevant
Short summaries (possibly including a graphical abstract) of scientific talks given at EAACI events
Short summaries (possibly including a graphical abstract) of an article published in EAACI journals
Short summaries of EAACI Guidelines and PP
Short summaries of KH updates
Deadlines for EAACI events, educational opportunities, and other initiatives (early bird registration, abstract submission, applications, etc.)
Dissemination of EAACI’s advocacy activities (meetings at European Parliament, publication of White Paper, High Summits and Forums, etc.)
19.Regarding the content of EAACI social media channels. For each item press Yes/No button.(Required.)
Overall, the content is adequate
The updates are too frequent/repetitive
Key information is sometimes missing in the updates
There should be a better coordination among the different social media channels (e.g. dedicated junior activities in JM channels)
20.Please rank the relevance of the EAACI Review. Please select if you Agree or Disagree with each statement.(Required.)
EAACI Review is a useful tool to disseminate the Academy’s activities
The content of EAACI Review is adequate
EAACI Review has a catchy design
The information included in EAACI Review frequently overlaps with the one of other EAACI communication channels