Story Scribe feedback survey
If you tried the game, please help us by filling this survey.
How easy was it to learn the game?
Never got the hang of it
1 star
Super hard
2 stars
I understood it after a while
3 stars
It was easy enough
4 stars
Blatantly self-evident
5 stars
Any particular reason?
How would you rate the tutorial?
1 star
Poorly explained
2 stars
Ok, but no style points
3 stars
It was fine
4 stars
Very good tutorial
5 stars
Any particular reason?
What was the most fun thing to do in the game?
Drawing pictures
Writing the chapters
Reading the finished story together.
Other (please specify)
How would you rate the Drawing-phase of the game?
Practically unpalayble
1 star
Sometimes irritating
2 stars
Not bad, could be better
3 stars
Fun enough to play
4 stars
Super nice drawing
5 stars
Any particular reason?
How was the overall flow of the game, taking turns, reading finished books etc.?
Very bad
1 star
Could be worse
2 stars
Somewhat tedious
3 stars
It was fine
4 stars
It was great
5 stars
Any particular reason?
Did you enjoy the gameplay experience?
Not at all
1 star
Not so much
2 stars
3 stars
Enjoyed it
4 stars
T'was amazing!
5 stars
Any particular reason?
How would you rate the irritation of in-game ads?
It was horrible!
1 star
Very irritating
2 stars
Slight irritation
3 stars
Minor inconvenience
4 stars
Did not bother me at all.
5 stars
Any particular reason?
Too many ads? Too often or too long? Hard to skip?
Did you encounter any kinds of problems, bugs or otherwise?
Yes ( What problems?)
How could the game experience be improved? Any features you'd like to see in the future? Other open feedback?
Current Progress,
0 of 9 answered