Thank you for taking a few minutes to complete this survey!

Your participation will help us gauge the needs of our community and inform our advocacy for inclusive online learning. Please fill this out based on the needs of your child that receives special education services.  If you have multiple children who receive services, you may complete for each child. 

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* 1. How ready do you feel to support your child with online learning?

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* 2. How ready does your child feel for online learning? 

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* 3. How well can your child access online learning independently? 

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* 4. Does physical availability (family, work, or schedule) make it difficult for you to support online learning during the day?

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* 5. Do you support more than one child in your home with online learning?

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* 6. Do you have reliable access to a high-speed internet connection?

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* 7. Do you have a computer, laptop, or device with relevant software that allows access to online learning?

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* 8. Do you have a webcam and microphone available or the ability to borrow one so you can access online learning?

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* 9. Do you agree with this statement?  I am comfortable and proficient at creating, saving, locating, and opening different types of files on a computer.

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* 10. Do you agree with this statement? My child feels comfortable and proficient creating, saving, locating, and opening different types of files on a computer.

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* 11. How comfortable do you feel as a parent using your district's online learning platform (ex. Google Classroom, Zoom Meetings, or Google Hangout)?

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* 12. How comfortable does your student feel using your district's online learning platform (ex. Google Classroom, Zoom Meetings, or Google Hangouts)?

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* 14. Does your child's IEP require para-educator support or adult assistance?

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* 15. Does your child receive any of these additional supports per their IEP?

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* 16. Are online learning resources being provided in your primary language? 

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* 17. Do you feel your child's communication needs will be met with online learning? 

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* 18. Would a training for parents/caregivers around online learning basics be helpful?

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* 19. Have you already shared a profile of how your child learns best online with your school? 

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* 20. Would you like help creating a person-centered profile for online learning?

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* 21. What communications would be helpful between your teacher/team and your family?  Please use the comment box below to answer.

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* 22. What do you feel would be the most helpful for teacher/teams to understand? Please use the comment box below to answer.

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* 23. Can we contact you directly with additional inquires around online learning accessibility? If so, please share contact information below.