Farmington EDA Micro Grant Application

A matching grant program of the Farmington EDA intended to support and encourage business development and growth through a small incentive program that meets small businesses where they are at.

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* 1. Business name

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* 2. Name and title of individual applying

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* 3. Business Information

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* 4. Are you currently or have you in the last 12 months, worked with Open to Business or a similar coaching organization?

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* 5. Are you located within the municipal boundaries of Farmington, MN?

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* 6. Please Acknowledge the following:

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* 7. Is your business registered with the secretary of state?

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* 8. Is property up to date on all property taxes and in good standing with the City?

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* 9. Year business was founded

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* 10. Describe your business

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* 11. Requested grant amount

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* 12. Project description – narrative of how funds will be used and how it will help your business

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* 13. Attachment: Business Plan

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* 14. Attachment: Bid/Project Cost Estimates

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* 15. Relevant photos depicting your project

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* 16. Financial Plan: attach 12 months of financial projections AND profit/loss balance sheet for the previous 12 months

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The EDA reserves the right to approve or reject projects on a case-by-case basis. Meeting program criteria does not guarantee the award of a Micro Grant to the project. Approval or denial of any project does not set a precedent for approval or denial of another project. The EDA is not liable for any additional issues or expenses that may occur as a result of the project and are wholly the responsibility of the applicant.

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* 17. Please acknowledge the following