Welcome to the 2020 PWYBA Summer Survey

This survey is for the Plymouth Wayzata Youth Baseball Association (PWYBA) 2020 Summer Season. Your opinion, suggestions and comments are very important to us and will help us make decisions on fields, programs, coaches, and the tournaments we offer.  Your feedback is exceptionally important and all information given is captured confidentially and used with the sole intent to improve our program.  PLEASE REMEMBER, this is 100% confidential and we use your feedback to improve our offering and evaluate coaches - but data is never shared with the coaches.  At the end of the survey you will have the option of providing your contact information if you would like to do so or wish to be contacted for a confidential conversation.

If you have multiple players in the program, please complete the survey once for each player per league or program.  Survey Monkey only allows one survey to be completed from the link sent via email.  To complete addition surveys please visit the www.pwyba.com website and use the survey link on the home page. Thank you for participating in this survey.