Exit Devon area Volunteer survey - General election 2024 In this year’s crucial general election, how can you help? Please fill in this survey right to the end and members from your local Associations will be in touch. Question Title * 1. Delivering, tick all that apply I am mobile and can help deliver leaflets through doors anywhere within reason I can deliver in my town I am not very mobile, but will help deliver to my neighbours I’m happy to be a driver and to help take volunteers around Sorry I can’t help deliver this time Question Title * 2. Please tick all that apply Poster - I can display one in a field or in my property or have a neighbour who can ‘Warm-calling’ - I would like to help with your GDPR protected list of people to call, And know I will be given full training (via Votesource, Connect Calling) Helping online, entering data, sharing posts on social media I DO NOT WANT TO HELP Question Title * 3. I can’t help but would love to be involved (Tick all that apply): Add me to the WhatsApp group I'm interested in helping my community perhaps as a local councillor candidate I’d like to help raise funds by helping with an event in my area I’d like to help my local association by making a donation to the General Election fighting fund I’d like to help by giving a donation to a different area, eg a named candidate e.g. Johnny Mercer an Plymouth Moor View, or other (add name in other/comments box below) I’d like to help the Devon fighting fund and will leave it to you to make sure it goes to the place it’s needed most. (Someone will be in touch to talk to you about how to give the donation) I’m really interested in giving my opinion to help suggest ideas that get passed onto CCHQ/number 10 (joining the Conservative policy forum CPF) Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. Tell us a little about you and your involvement / history with the party to date? Are you a member?Any messages for the Conservative party HQ?What’s your biggest concern locally? Question Title * 5. Tell us your name Question Title * 6. How did you vote last election? Question Title * 7. How likely are you to vote Conservative this election, out of 10? 0 (Unlikely) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (Very likely) Question Title * 8. If less than seven, what party are you considering and why? Your local Conservative Association team will be in touch (or WhatsApp Your Devon area Deputy Chair Fundraising and Membership, Debbie Flint on O7949O522O8 if you’d like to help more urgently). Done