Washington State Parent to Parent

Thank you for taking time to tell us how we’re doing!

Dear parent/caregiver,
We appreciate your involvement with Parent to Parent!  Please take this short, anonymous survey to tell us and our funders how we're doing.  Thank you!

Washington State Parent to Parent
The Arc of Washington State
1.What County in Washington State do you live?(Required.)
2.What is your ethnicity?  (Check all that apply)
3.What is your primary language? (select one)
4.How old is your child(ren) with developmental disabilities and/or special health care needs? (Check all that apply)
5.Please tell us about your experience with Parent to Parent:
When thinking about your connection with the Parent to Parent program please mark how much you agree with each statement.
(Select one in each row)
Strongly agree
Strongly Disagree
I know more about resources for my child and family.
It has been helpful for me to connect with other parents and families through the Parent to Parent program.
I am satisfied with the Parent to Parent Program.
6.Please provide any comments or suggestions that you have about your local Parent to Parent program in the box below.