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Question Title

* What Kind of Superintendent Does APS Need?
Take the ATF Member Superintendent Survey
The APS Board of Education is moving forward rapidly and gathering public input for their search for the next APS superintendent. Our union’s organized input must become part of that conversation.

I believe that the needs of the employees in APS should be considered first and foremost when selecting a new district leader.

It is with great hope for our district’s future that we add our voices to the coming discussion about who our next superintendent will be, and what type of leader we need.

It is essential that we gather ATF members’ comments so that we are ready to communicate our needs and best hopes for the future to the Board of Education.
Please complete this member survey by December 11, 2019 at 5:00PM.
Please give us your opinion on a scale of 1-4
1 Very important
2 Important
3 Somewhat important
4 Not important

In my opinion, APS needs a Superintendent who will:

  1- Very Important 2- Important 3- Somewhat important 4- Not Important
Hold administrators accountable for a positive work-site culture.
Track staff turnover in the district, and at individual sites, and use that information to focus on retention strategies for every employee group.
Demand accountability for each and every APS department to have a service-to-schools (and employees) orientation, provide timely and accurate responses, and are respectful in their interactions.
Improve communication between district departments and improve the  communication flow from district administration to practitioners and vice versa.
Ensure that there is a pervasive customer (i.e. employee) service orientation in each department and department personnel have an attitude that central office is there to support schools, not the other way around.
Support strong, site-based shared leadership, the creation of innovative schooling models, and teacher autonomy to use innovative methods and materials to engage students.
Address workload issues. (For some time, educators have described their workload as “unmanageable.” Many teachers report frustration about tasks that do not directly inform teaching and learning or improve outcomes for children.)

Question Title

* On a scale of 1-4 rank the following district superintendent abilities and skills:
1 - Very Important
2 - Important
3 - Somewhat important
4- Not Important

  1 - Very Important 2 - Important 3 - Somewhat important 4- Not Important
External and internal communications
Promotes and advocates for the district
Engages the community
A focus on supportive and positive employee working conditions
Provide schools with individualized supports and resources based on the unique needs of the students
Be a strong manager, or hire one
Collaborate and innovate with the employees’ unions
Political advocacy 
Proactive Public Relations

Question Title

* Our union works daily with APS centralized administration. We interface with department personnel to assist our members. Based on those experiences, the statements below summarize what we think the next APS Superintendent should do and be like.

On a scale of 1-4 how much do you agree with the following:
1 - Totally         
2- A lot
3- Somewhat
4- Not at all

Our next superintendent should work to create a system of schools rather than a school system.
·      In a system of schools, the central office and the offshoots of the centralized administration know that they are there to support the employees who work every day with students. This is very different from the traditional “school system” where employees are viewed as being there to support the work of the district’s central office.

Question Title

* On a scale of 1-4 how much do you agree with the following:
1 - Totally
2-A lot
3- Somewhat
4- Not at all

Our next superintendent will inherit a district in which we have a tradition of labor/ management collaboration at the district and the school level. That person should support strong Instructional Councils at each site and for district role groups

Question Title

* On a scale of 1-4 how much do you agree with the following:
1 - Totally
2- A lot
3- Somewhat
4- Not at all

Our next superintendent will inherit a district in which we have a tradition of labor/ management collaboration at the district and the school level. That person should support the growth of school and classroom autonomy and innovation.

Question Title

* What is your current job and school level?

  Elementary Middle  High Combination District Program
General Education Teacher
Special Education Teacher
School-wide Support Personnel (Librarian, Counselor, Nurse)
Special Education Support Personnel (SLP, Social Worker, PT, OT, APE, Transition Specialist, IEP Specialist)

Question Title

* For Special Education Personnel only

For the last two years, union members, along with Ellen have been working with Superintendent Raquel Reedy and Associate Superintendent for Special Education Lucinda Sanchez to address educator concerns about Special Education in APS.

Our concerns can be boiled down into 3 categories:
Training and support

Based on your personal experience since last school year, let us know:

  1- Improved a great deal 2- Improved moderately 3-  Improved slightly 4- Hasn’t Improved
Training and support

Question Title

* Add any additional comments:

0 of 8 answered