Vinsamlegast tilgreinið skólaval fyrir umsóknir um skiptinám á haustönn 2019. Alþjóðaskrifstofa mun tilnefna nemanda til viðkomandi skóla. Mikilvægt er að láta vita ef skólaval breytist eða nemandi hættir við umsókn í einhvern af tilgreindum skólum.


Please inform us of your choice of schools for your exchange applications for autumn semester 2019. The international office will nominate you to your schools of choice. Please notify the international office if any changes might occur, especially if you withdraw your wish to apply to a certain school.

Question Title

* 1. Nafn nemanda / Name of Student

Question Title

* 2. Námsbraut / Study Programme

Question Title

* 3. Val á skólum / Choice of schools