Linguistics, Language, and the Public Award Nomination, 2018

First presented in 1997, this award honors an individual or group for work that effectively increases public awareness and understanding of linguistics and language. Works in any medium are eligible, including books, documentary films, software, and lectures. For works of journalism, particularly news stories, blog posts, and magazine articles, a nomination for the LSA Linguistics Journalism Award may be more appropriate.

ominees need not be LSA members. Nominators must be current LSA members. In order to be considered, individuals must have published, presented, or aired some representative work during the four years immediately preceding the deadline for the receipt of entries. Note that, because an individual's representative work is eligible for four years, work could be considered in more than one award cycle. Nominations must present evidence of the work's impact (e.g. letters of commendation, news coverage, public notices). The awardee is invited to attend and, if appropriate, to present the work at the Annual Meeting.

Nominations of women and underrepresented ethnic minorities are particularly encouraged.

Next Nomination Deadline
A preliminary nomination consisting of the nominee's name, CV and/or website URL, must be received no later than August 1, 2018. The purpose of a preliminary nomination is to alert the Awards Committee of your intent, and to offer early assistance in helping you prepare a successful nomination. Following receipt of a preliminary nomination, you will be contacted directly with additional details about the kinds of assistance available.

A final nomination, consisting of a nomination form and a brief citation that can be read at the presentation of the award, must be received by October 1, 2018.

Works in any medium are eligible, e.g., books, documentary films, articles in popular magazines, sofware, or lecture series, but must have been published, presented, or aired during the four years immediately prior to the nomination.

Final Nomination Form
In the final nomination form, you will be asked to address the following areas. For each area, you will be asked to provide the information requested or explain why it does not apply to this nomination. Be aware that failure to address one or more of the areas may negatively impact your nomination. Note also that you will need to fill the information into the online form; a .pdf cannot be uploaded.

The Nomination Form should include a description of the work that increases public awareness of language and linguistics and evidence that the work has had a demonstrable impact on public awareness of language and/or linguistics.

Question Title

* 1. Your Name

Question Title

* 2. Your email address

Question Title

* 3. Your LSA Membership Status

Question Title

* 4. This is a