APS 2023-2024 School Calendar Survey For the 2023-2024 school year, Albuquerque Public Schools (APS) is proposing to change its calendar. We believe that the proposed calendar will: Align with the proposed changes to state law mandating additional instructional time and time for teacher professional development and collaboration, Support the learning needs of students, Align to the work of the APS Board of Education and district’s shift to Student-Outcome Focused Governance with clear goals and guardrails, and Respond to the recommendations of the middle school and high school task forces. As we bring the proposed calendar to the APS Board of Education, we would appreciate your feedback. Question Title * 1. Before we get into the details of the proposed changes, please tell us about yourself. Select all that apply. I am a... Parent / Guardian APS Teacher APS Principal APS Staff Member Community Member Other Next