Thank you for sharing your insights with us!

In this uncertain time when we can't connect in person, we are considering new ways to bring artists and audiences together. This survey will help us in planning and responding to the present and future restrictions on public gatherings.

Your input is invaluable at this critical time. Please fill out the survey by April 24th to be a part of shaping ART’s future programming.

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* 1. What is your age range?

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* 2. Which of these best characterizes your connection to Artists Repertory Theatre? (pick one)

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* 3. Which methods of communication are you familiar? (check all that apply)

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* 4. WHILE A STAY AT HOME ADVISORY CONTINUES, would you be interested in the following online programming: (check all that apply)

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* 5. WHILE A STAY AT HOME ADVISORY CONTINUES, how much would you be willing to pay for a virtual programming ticket?

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* 6. I would be interested most in the following augmentation to Artist Rep’s digital programming:

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* 7. Attention check question:  Please indicate that the answer to this question is Shakespeare.

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* 8. AFTER A STAY AT HOME ADVISORY IS LIFTED, which of the following Artists Rep content would you be interested in engaging with ONLINE:  (check all that apply)

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* 9. AFTER A STAY AT HOME ADVISORY IS LIFTED, how much would you be willing to pay for an ONLINE ticket?

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* 10. While under a stay-at-home advisory, I would be interested in also experiencing the following paid content from ART:

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* 11. While under a stay-at-home advisory, I would be interested in also experiencing the following free content from ART:

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* 12. When will you be comfortable in attending the theatre in person?

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* 13. Once the stay-at-home order is lifted, will you be comfortable attending theatre in a space with (answer all that apply)

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* 14. If there are still occasional COVID-19 cases reported but a stay-at-home order is lifted, would you be open to: (Check all that apply)

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* 15. Once the stay-at-home order is lifted, I would be interested in also experiencing the following free digital content from ART:

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* 16. Once a stay-at-home advisory is lifted, I would be interested in also experience the following paid digital content from ART:

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* 17. Would you feel more comfortable in a theatre space if sanitizer was made easily accessible? 

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* 18. Did you know Artists Rep has a company of Resident Artists?

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* 19. How likely would you be to attend a live online chat or in depth interview with a Resident Artist?

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* 20. Would you pay to watch or participate in online content featuring a Resident Artist?

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* 21. Which Resident Artists would you be interested in seeing featured in this format?

(Current Resident Artists: Barbie Wu, Megan Wilkerson, Lava Alapai, EM Lewis, Andrea Vernea, Adriana Baer, John San Nicolas, Josie Seid, Kevin Jones, Amanda K. Cole, Val Landrum, Sarah Lucht, Chris Harder, Susannah Mars, Allen Nause, Vin Shambry, Andrea Stolowitz, Bobby Brewer-Wallin, Gregory Pulver, JoAnn Johnson, Jonathan Cole, Amy Newman, Michael Mendelson, Sharath Patel, Carol Ann Wohlmut, Sara Hennessy, Joshua J. Weinstein, Vana O'Brien, Rodolfo Ortega, Linda Alper, Ayanna Berkshire, Sarah Gahagan, Chelle Jazuk)

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* 22. Anything else you’d like to share with us?

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* 23. If you share your name and address, you can be entered in a raffle to win a free ticket to an event in the 2020/21 season