*This question requires an answer.

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* 1. The  project team wants your input on the purpose statement for the project.

The draft purpose statement is as follows:

“The purpose of the project is to improve mobility, accessibility, and safety for people and goods traveling on or across the roadway system connecting the Seward Highway, the Glenn Highway, and the POA. The intent is to maintain the functionality of the national highway system and to meet the local travel needs of residents that must safely travel across or along those roadways.”

Read more about the purpose here: DRAFT Purpose and Need Statement

Do you have any suggestions for this Purpose Statement?

Question Title

* 2. The project team wants your input on the transportation problems to be solved.

The proposed draft needs include:

·  Conflicting Travel Functions - Serving competing regional and local travel functions on the highway network in the study area leads to conflicts that reduce mobility, safety, and accessibility for all uses.
·  Safety - Crashes for vehicles and people walking and bicycling are elevated at several study area intersections.
·  Social Demands and Economic Development - Current street design on the Seward and Glenn Highways in the study area is inconsistent with the vision expressed in recently adopted development plans.”

Read more about the needs here: DRAFT Purpose and Need Statement

Do you have any suggestions for the Needs Statements?

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* 3. The project team wants your input on the criteria for evaluating alternatives.

The team proposes criteria to measure the following aspects of each alternative:

·  Safety - Numbers of crashes
·  Travel Time
·  Congestion and Delay
·  Consistency with adopted plans
·  Vehicle Miles of travel

You can read more about the proposed criteria here: DRAFT Recommended Alternative Selection Criteria Memorandum

Do you have any suggestions about the criteria you think the project team should use?

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* 4. Do you have any design recommendations or alternatives for improving the corridor?

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* 5. Please provide the following information.

**This location and demographic information will be kept confidential.

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* 6. Would you like to be added to the project email list?

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* 7. Demographics

***This information is voluntary. Its purpose is to ensure fair and equal representation by the public in all projects and programs administered by the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities. Race Categories: White (W), Alaska Native (AN), Native American (N), Black (B), Hispanic (H), Asian (A), Pacific Islander (P), and Other (O).

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* 8. How did you hear about the public meeting? Click all that apply

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* 9. Any other comments or suggestions?