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The following questionnaire will ask a series of questions to see if you qualify to participate in our study. This study is focused on identifying pathways to health following exposure to violence and discrimination among Black transgender women. Some questions on this survey may be triggering or cause an emotional response. For immediate assistance please call the Trevor Project Crisis Hotline at 1-866-488-7386. You can also reach this survey administrator at (678)-615-8820.
Study Purpose: to advance our understanding of how stigma relates to symptoms of stress and how that may influence health self-management among Black transgender women.

Benefits to Participation: all participants will receive a list of available local/national health and safety resources and may experience direct benefits from participating in the intervention. Participants may benefit directly by sharing their stories and indirectly by being involved with health professionals in an important study and the potential to be involved in a process that may provide future benefit to other Black transgender women. Participation in the study will include 1 survey and the possibility to participate in 1 individual interview. Get paid for your participation.

This project is funded by the Southern Nursing Research Society and approved by the Emory University Institutional Review Board (IRB) STUDY00003101
(Primary Investigator: Dr. Athena Sherman)
Contact info:
Emory University School of Nursing: 1520 Clifton Rd, Atlanta, GA 30322

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* 1. How old are you?

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* 2. Where do you currently live?

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* 3. Do you identify as Black, African American, Afro American, Afro Caribbean, of African descent, or of mixed race to include one of these?

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* 4. Which category most aligns with your current gender identity?

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* 5. What most closely aligns with the sex assigned on your original birth certificate?

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* 6. The next few questions are about different kinds of experiences you may have had. Some of them might be hard to answer or think about. If at any time you need to pause, please feel comfortable doing so.

Need emotional support? Please call the Trevor Project Crisis Hotline 24/7: 1-866-488-7386

Has anyone ever been violent towards you? This may include physical violence, sexual violence, emotional violence, or threats of violence.

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* 7. Have you ever been discriminated against or experienced unequal treatment?

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* 8. Thank you for answering our eligibility questions.

If you are eligible to participate and would like to be contacted regarding additional information and potential participation, PLEASE provide a phone number or email address to reach you at.

Each person who participates in the study has the chance to earn up to $60.

If you do not wish to be contacted, please enter "no contact" in the box below.

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* 9. Email address

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* 10. Phone number

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