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Digital Registration and Agreement for Waiver,

Indemnification and Assumption of Risk

We appreciate your interest in registering for an event, program, or activity offered by VHF, and for taking the time to fill out this form. This will provide VHF with better information and contact data for you, and/or your family, enable registration and provide our insurer with what they require for us to host events at VHF.
We will assume that you are giving us permission to use your email or text to inform you of upcoming events and news (unless you advise us otherwise in an email to

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* 1. Parent or Guardian (If participant is under 18)

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* 2. Participant Info

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* 3. Participant Date of Birth (DD/MM/YEAR)

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* 4. Emergency Contact:

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* 5. Please complete the below declaration as a parent on behalf of the minor, or as the adult participant in the form that follows.



Assumption of Risks

I hereby declare that I am duly authorized to act for and on behalf of the Minor so that he/she may take part in one or several of the activities offered and organized at or by VENTURING HILLS FARM according to the terms and conditions of this document.

I am aware of the nature of the activities which are being arranged and offered at or by VENTURING HILLS FARM which involve certain dangerous activities, situations and conditions.

I am aware of the nature of the activity or activities which are being offered, and am also aware of the experience, and the physical, emotional and mental state of the Minor, and I am fully satisfied that he/she has the interest, competence and skill to participate in these activities. In addition, I believe that the minor’s equipment is suitable for these activities, example helmet, boots, etc.

I understand that all applicable rules for participation must be followed, have explained this to the minor, and have expressed how important it is for he/she to do this.

I therefore acknowledge and accept that in taking part in the activities, the Minor exposes himself/herself to risks of loss of property, serious injuries, or even death.

I hereby declare that I have properly informed the Minor of the risks indicated above and of any other risk which I may be aware of. In the event I deem that said risks are too high for him/her, I will pull him/her out of the activity. I am responsible for the minor’s safety.

I declare that I am fully aware of these serious risks and dangers, and I agree, notwithstanding said knowledge, to allow the Minor to participate in any of the events at or organized by and through Venturing Hills Farm.

Waiver of Recourse for INJURY OR Damage

For and on behalf of the Minor, I hereby waive any recourse for any loss, costs, injuries, or damages that the Minor may sustain during his/her presence on VENTURING HILLS FARM or his/her participation in one or several of the events at or arranged by VENTURING HILLS FARM, regardless of whether said damages or inuries are caused by an accident, through the fault or negligence of a third party or by VENTURING HILLS FARM. The present waiver inures to the benefit of VENTURING HILLS FARM, DEBORAH BRADLEY, RAE BECKE, PETER BECKE, VENTURING HILLS FARM employees, contractors, partners, clients, volunteers, as well as successors and assigns, as well as rescue personnel, sponsors, or any other person or organization having participated or been involved in any way in the organization of the activity. This waiver includes any loss, costs, injuries or damages arising from negligent rescue operations or procedures associated with any of the above beneficiaries.

Should the Minor institute a recourse against the aforementioned beneficiaries and parties notwithstanding this waiver, I will hold the latter harmless from any condemnation or liability which may be pronounced against them, including any damages, penalties, capital, interest and costs, and I will reimburse any fees including legal and court fees required to ensure their defence of said recourse.

And I have signed this agreement freely, knowingly and without inducement, or clicked in the case of the digital form.

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Assumption of Risks

I am aware of the nature of the activities and the type of events which are offered at or organized by VENTURING HILLS FARM, which involve certain dangerous activities, situations and conditions.

I therefore acknowledge and accept that in taking part in the activities, I expose myself to risks of loss of property, serious injuries, or even death. I understand that all applicable rules for participation must be followed.

I believe that I have the required physical, emotional and mental state required for, and am fully satisfied that I have the competence to participate in these activities. In addition, I believe that my equipment is suitable for these activities, example, helmet, boots, etc..

I acknowledge and accept that I am fully aware of those serious risks and dangers and, notwithstanding said knowledge, I have consciously decided to participate in the activities at or arranged by VENTURING HILLS FARM.

And I have signed this agreement freely, knowingly and without inducement, or clicked in the case of the digital form.

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* 7. Waiver of Recourse for Property Damage

In addition to assuming the risks, I hereby waive any recourse for loss, costs, damages or injuries that I may sustain during my presence on the site, or by my participation in one or several of the activities sanctioned by or at VENTURING HILLS FARM regardless of whether said damages or injuries are caused by an accident, through the fault or negligence of a third party or VENTURING HILLS FARM. This waiver inures to the benefit of VENTURING HILLS FARM, DEBORAH BRADLEY, RAE BECKE, PETER BECKE, VENTURING HILLS FARM employees, contractors, partners, volunteers, as well as successors and assigns, as well as rescue personnel, sponsors, or any other person or organization having participated in the organization of the activity. This waiver includes any loss, costs, injuries or damages arising from negligent rescue operations or procedures associated with any of the above beneficiaries.

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* 8. Recreational Lesson packages must be used by end of the calendar year. They do not carry over. Lesson packages must be paid in advance, before the first lesson. 

For riders participating in Competitive or Intro programs,  or for those who own, or lease a horse we invoice 1x/month for board and lessons/coaching. 

7 day cancellation policy: We will need to be notified 7 days before the scheduled lesson if changes are being requested, or will have to charge as if the lesson has happened. 

Payment: Credit card or E-transfers accepted at 

By clicking "YES" you understand the above statements and wish to participate in activities at VHF.