Your information is confidential as we are not asking for your name, school or other personal information. The purpose of this survey is to help you identify and think about your digital footprint online. We hope you have taken the sample home and asked your parent/guardian for help before answering these questions. The results will be shared so that you can see them. Any comments made in the "other" space are NOT shared. Please answer these responsibly.

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* 1. Did your digital footprint begin at birth? Ask your parents and return to this survey and fill it out.

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* 2. My parent(s)/guardian(s) included one or more photos of me when I was under 3 years old (check all that apply)

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* 3. How old were you when you used your first computing device (Nintendo, X-box, Playstation, computer, laptop, iPad ) when I was

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* 4. Do you have an account which requires a password? (Select as many as fit)

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* 5. I participate in online gaming sites such as Minecraft, Fortnite, Call of Duty, Halo....

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* 6. I have played online with others the following games...

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* 7. I have provided the following to get an account or access to information on the Internet (check all that apply)

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* 8. Your personal web presence (check all that apply) - These may be things you do with a parent/guardian or trusted adult family member.

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* 9. I have shared personal information using one or more of the following online