In 2016, the Patrick Heath Public Library took summer learning to a whole new dimension. Instead of focusing just on reading we created an environment of learning, discovery and entertainment for people of all ages! This year we also offered a wide array of activities featuring STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) and introduced patrons to an online reading program. Please answer the following questions to let us know what you thought of this new approach.

Question Title

* 1. Did you participate in any of the library's summer programs before 2016?

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* 2. Please rate your satisfaction with the following children's programs:

  Strongly Like Like No Opinion Dislike Strongly Dislike
Online reading program registration 
Number of STEM Programs
Number of Craft Programs
Number of Young Adult Programs
Number of Adult Programs
Overall 2016 program

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* 3. If you selected "Dislike" or "Strongly Dislike" on any of the above, please explain.

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* 4. Which online reading program did you participate in this year?

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* 5. When would you like our family entertainment programs (magic shows, puppet shows, family movies, etc.) to be offered? 

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* 6. Please tell us what you liked best about the 2016 Summer Learning Odyssey?

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* 7. What changes would you like to see for the 2017 Summer Learning Odyssey?

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* 8. Enter your email below to for a chance to win a $25 gift card from Aloha San Antonio Kitchen. Thank you for your participation!