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* 1. Please identify which sessions you attended. If you missed any sessions and would like to view the recordings, please visit

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* 2. If you live in Virginia, which geography best represents your locality? If you do not live in Virginia, please skip and go to question 3.

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* 3. If you do not live in Virginia, which geography best represents you.

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* 4. How did you hear about RTRW?

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* 5. What was your motivation for joining RTR week events?

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* 6. Are there any other topics you would like to see in future RTRW events?

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* 7. How did you view events? (select all that apply)

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* 8. If you had trouble accessing any in-person or virtual events, would there be any assistance supports that would make it easier for future RTR events? (examples including but not limited to closed captioning, translations, interpretation, technical assistance, different times, transportation)

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* 9. Would you like to be contacted by Voices for Virginia’s Children for: (click all that apply)

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* 10. If you are interested in being contacted, please enter your email address below.

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* 11. Do you feel more empowered or prepared to engage on behalf of children?

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* 12. Is there anything else you would like us to know?