We Value Your Feedback

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* 1. How did you hear about the Earth Day 5K? Select all that apply.

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* 2. What was your favorite thing about the Earth Day 5K?

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* 3. The Earth Day 5K course took advantage of the Canal Walk and Virginia Capital Trail. Please rate your experience with the course.

  Great! Eh Not so great
Course start/finish location
Course marking/direction
Course views/scenery

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* 4. Tell us about your experience with...

  Very Easy Easy A Little Tricky Difficult
Online Registration
Finding the Location/Venue

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* 5. Why did you participate in this particular race?

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* 6. After participating in this race and learning helpful sustainability tips along the course, how likely are you to change your behavior?

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* 7. Would you participate in this race in the future?

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* 8. Did you have lunch or drinks at Southern Railway Taphouse to redeem your 10% off?

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* 9. Did you attend the RVA Earth Day Festival after the race?

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* 10. Did you have fun at the race? Tell us about it! We'd love testimonials from our race participants to use in promoting next year's race.

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* 11. How would you rate your overall experience with the Earth Day 5K Race Without a Trace?