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We will need as many volunteers as possible to collect signatures of people who are registered to vote in Massachusetts in order to get the JRC question on the ballot. Time lines will be tight! We hope to send forms the 2nd week of September and we will need original signature forms mailed back by mid-November.  It doesn't matter if you think you can collect 10 or 5,000 signatures -- every signature helps. Complete this form so we can contact you when collection is ready to begin. If you belong to organizations, are part of listservs or know people who also might volunteer to collect signatures, please forward them the email you received with the link to this form and ask that each person completes this form. 

Question Title

* 1. First Name

Question Title

* 2. Last Name

Question Title

* 3. Address

Question Title

* 4. In what county in Massachusetts do you live or in what county or counties would you be able to collect signatures?

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* 5. If you are NOT from Massachusetts, you will not be able to collect signatures (unless you can go to Massachusetts). We can also be in touch with you if you know people in Massachusetts who you can ask to help collect signatures.  Only if you are not from Massachusetts reply below:

Question Title

* 6. Tell us anything you want to let us know about your availability, how you plan to collect signatures, how much time you can devote, the types of places at which you plan to collect (anywhere in Massachusetts where there are MANY people is good) and/or how many signatures you are hoping you can collect between September 15th and November 20th.

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