
Question Title

* 3. Teacher survey:

  Disagree No Idea Agree Agree 100%
There was enough focus on essay writing
There was enough focus on writing in general
There was enough focus on grammar
There was enough focus on avoiding plagiarism ( e.g. quoting, paraphrasing, in-text referencing, writing a bibliography)
There was enough focus on reading skills: skimming, scanning, speed reading, reading for detail
There was enough reading practice
There was enough focus on vocabulary (e.g. specific, academic vocabulary including collocations and expressions)
There was enough focus on listening skills ( e.g predicting, listening for gist, listening for details)
There was enough focus on pronunciation
There was enough focus on taking notes from lectures
There was enough focus on giving presentations
The homework and assessments were appropriate for my needs
I feel that my writing skills have improved
I feel that my reading skills have improved
I feel that my knowledge of academic vocabulary and grammar has improved