SIS Research is conducting a research interview with business professionals in the USA.

We are providing compensation from $150 to $200 if you qualify, are selected, and complete an approximately 30-minute online video interview. The incentives will vary according to the category you will be allocated and it will be clearly communicated upon scheduling.

We are interested in understanding your opinions on brands and how you choose finance service providers.. The conversation is confidential and for research purposes only.

If you are interested, we would first like to see if this online video interview is a fit. Please answer a few pre-screening questions in the link below to be considered. If the study is a fit, we will get in touch.

Question Title

* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. How old are you?

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* 3. Do you describe yourself as a woman, a man, or in some other way?

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* 4. What is your five-digit ZIP Code?

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* 5. What is the last grade or class you completed in school?

Question Title

* 6. Which term below best describes your race or background?

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* 7. Are you, yourself, of Hispanic origin or descent, such as Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, or some other Spanish background?

Question Title

* 8. How would you describe your present employment situation?

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* 9. What is your total annual household income before taxes? Please think about all of your household members’ income, taken as a whole, including your own. Please select one.

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* 10. To what extent are you familiar with financial services as a consumer?

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* 11. How likely are you to consider using an online-only bank (e.g., a bank where all services are only done with an online/digital app)?

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* 12. Do you have money invested in the stock market and mutual funds, including IRAs (Individual Retirement Account) and 401(K)s?

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* 13. Which of the following aligns with how actively you manage your investments?

Question Title

* 14. In a typical week, I actively watch, read, or listen to news about…” Please select one response per row.

  Several times a day At least once a day Most days in a week A few times per week Once per week Less than once per week I don’t know
Finance / Investing
Entertainment / Art
Current Events
Politics / Policy

Question Title

* 15. In a typical week, I actively watch, read, or listen to news about…” Please select one response per row.

  Several times a day At least once a day Most days in a week A few times per week Once per week Less than once per week I don’t know
Investing Tips / Financial Markets
Financial Technology (FinTech)
Crypto Currency
Online Banking
Personal Finance
Economic Conditions
Financial Current Events
Commercial Real Estate
Wealth Advisory
Deals / IPOs
Venture Capital (VC)

Question Title

* 16. Please read each of the following statements carefully. How closely do you identify with each?

  Very true of me True of me Somewhat true of me Neutral Somewhat untrue of me Untrue of me Very untrue of me
People often look to me for my guidance and advice
It is important to me to keep up to date with news and current affairs
I admire people that speak out for what they believe is the right thing
I admire companies that speak out for what they believe is the right thing
Giving back to society is important to me
I feel comfortable expressing who I am
I strive to achieve a high social status

Question Title

* 17. Have you done the following activities in the past three months related to these topics:

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* 18. Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as…

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* 19. What department do you work in? If you work in multiple departments, please select the department you do most of your work in.

Question Title

* 20. How many times, if at all, have you done any of the following for an issue that you care about?

  Once More than once Never
Made a donation to a campaign
Signed a petition
Participated or volunteered at an event
Organized an event
Discussed with friends, family or colleagues
Posted, commented or shared content online or on social media
Did more research on my own
Contacted a lawmaker
Made a donation to an organization
Boycotted a company or organization

Question Title

* 21. How familiar are you with the advocacy efforts of corporations?

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* 22. And, how would you describe the industry in which you work?

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* 23. How many years of full-time professional work experience do you have?

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* 24. How long have you been at the job where you are currently employed?

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* 25. For the purpose of the research the interview will be video recorded. All information will remain confidential and nothing will shared publicly. Do you agree to participate in an interview that will be video recorded?

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* 26. Write 4 to 6 sentences on what would you like to invest your savings in and why

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* 27. If you had to invite a famous person to dinner, who would you invite and why? What would you cook for them? Please explain in 4-5 sentences.