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* 1. In what capacity did you attend the 2023 NIA/NI dinner? 

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* 2. Are you a member of:

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* 3. How would you rate the food at the dinner?

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* 4. When you booked the table wine was not included, would you prefer to pay a set price to include wine? 

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* 5. Do you think the dress code should be? 

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* 6. Did you enjoy the entertainment during the dinner (Jess Robinson)? 

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* 7. Would you prefer there to be an after dinner speaker/entertainment? 

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* 8. Did you stay for the band and dancing after the dinner? 

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* 9. Did you enjoy the band? 

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* 10. This year the dinner sold out in early October, if you had a preference of moving venue but having a larger dinner which would you choose? 

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* 11. Is there anything else you would like to see at the dinner?