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* 1. You are receiving this survey because it was indicated on your SchoolMint application that you need or may need transportation for your child/children. PCM is working to provide transportation, to and from school, to families outside of our safe walking distance boundaries, and that indicated transportation was necessary.

To ensure we meet the needs of individual families, PMC needs to confirm what your families transportation needs are at this time.

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* 2. PCM is working to cover a transportation gap that has resulted from a driver shortage due to COVID. This personnel shortage, combined with our rural location, makes our location undesirable for student transportation service providers to establish routes. This has pushed PCM into establishing its own in-house transpiration program.

We are working diligently to have our two routes running by January 2022. For those who are outside of our safe walking distance boundaries, please consider the following option to close this gap in service until January.

Pullman has a great bus system! Our first and preferred option is to purchase your child a Pullman Transit Bus pass. PCM can help to determine the route closest to your home that will get your child to school by 8:25 AM.  The Olsen St-Neil Public Library and Arbor-Main stops are the key end points.  A PCM staff member or volunteer would meet your child at the bus stop at a predetermined time.

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* 3. The second option is for PCM to reimburse round trip mileage for drop off and pick up. This reimbursement option is only available temporarily. Mileage to pick up another family’s child in a carpool situation could also be counted. The coordination between families is solely the responsibility of the family's. Proof of attendance is used to confirm reimbursable miles. The federally reimbursable mileage rate would be used (~$0.56/mile) for reimbursement.

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* 4. Please let us know who you are so that we can better address your needs outlined in this survey.