Parent Survey

Dear Lufkin ISD Parents and Guardians:

School districts across the state and our nation are struggling to answer one question, what will school be like next year? We receive information from the CDC, the Texas Education Agency, and our local health organizations with guidelines and suggestions, but we also want to know what our parents are thinking and what worked and didn’t work during March 16 through May 22. We appreciate your input and thank you for your time in completing this short survey.
What school/schools did your student/students attend during the 2019-2020 school year?

From March 13 to May 22, my child learned primarily through:
During that time, my child’s teacher/teachers contacted him/her:
How did your child access his/her materials?
How comfortable are you with your child/children returning to school in a regular setting?
There could be times during the next school year when a campus or classroom(s) may be required to close for a period of time due to an outbreak. Teachers would use an online learning platform to continue instruction. What would be the greatest challenge for your child with this type of instruction? Check all that apply.
Transportation may be a potential problem in the fall with limited capacity on buses due to requirements for social distancing. How would your child get to school if we have to limit transportation access to students?
Please note that none of the options listed below have been implemented by Lufkin ISD, but are being discussed on the state level. We want your input if these become the only way/ways we can return to school. The information provided below will help us pick the best option for our community, should we need to look at alternate ways to provide education to students in the fall.

Year-round school calendar:

Year-round school calendar with an extended school year to allow for closures due to an outbreak. Regularly scheduled breaks throughout the school year would extend, or not extend holidays if there was an outbreak, such as Thanksgiving (up to two weeks) Christmas (up to four weeks) and Spring Break (up to two weeks) The school year might extend until the third week in June.
Hybrid Learning

This model integrates “face to face” (in school) learning with online learning. Students attend school part of the day or week and learn online for part of the day or week. The first model is A/B days. Students would attend school either two or three days a week and would learn online on the other days, with online learning provided by their teachers.
Hybrid Learning model using A/B weeks

Using this model, students would alternate weeks attending school. On their “out of school” weeks, the students would receive online instruction.
Hybrid Learning model using AM/PM days

Students are assigned to either attend school in the morning or afternoon each day. During the time they are “out” of school, students work on online assignments.
Please feel free to leave any comments that you would like for administration to read. Thank you for your time in taking this survey. Your suggestions will certainly be considered in our decision-making process concerning the re-opening of the school district.
Current Progress,
0 of 12 answered