R-Rated Movie Club: State of the Club Survey 2023

Thank you for taking this brief survey about R-Rated Movie Club. Your honest feedback will help me as I look ahead to 2024.

I want to give everyone who takes this survey a chance for a giveaway, but I'd need a paid SurveyMonkey account to track your participation. So we'll do it this way:

Everyone who takes this survey AND emails me ( r r a t e d m o v i e c l u b @ s u b s t a c k . c o m ) BEFORE it closes at 11:59pm on December 5 to tell me they took it will be entered in a giveaway drawing for 1 randomly selected person to win 1 movie of their choice that I've written about (DVD, Blu-ray, 4K, or digital platform).

As always, THANK YOU for your support! - Nate

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* Have you recommended R-Rated Movie Club to anyone?

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* Most entries at R-Rated Movie Club are...

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* CURRENTLY, the focus is...

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* GOING FORWARD, the focus should be...

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* In 2023, comments were for paid subscribers only. If comments were open to all subscribers in 2024, do you think you would be more likely to comment?

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* I'm considering adding original podcast audio in 2024, such as interviewing a guest (such as fellow clergy and/or movie fans) about their favorite R-rated movie and tying it to faith. This would potentially be 3-5 times per year for 30-45 minutes episodes. How likely are you to listen to podcast audio like this?

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* I'm considering taking written content and recreating it as podcast audio in 2024. Subscribers could choose to read and/or listen to posts. This would potentially be as frequently as I have time for and pending demand. How likely are you to listen to podcast audio like this?

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* Reading R-Rated Movie Club often helps me (check all that apply):

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* What are movies and/or scripture passages that you would like me to write about?

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* Please add any other feedback for me on R-Rated Movie Club here, thanks!