Question Title

We need YOUR help deciding WHO the most powerful and influential men and women are in our region.

Please indicate, on a scale of one to ten (with #1 being the top position), who the most powerful and influential people in the Inland Northwest are. This survey is strictly confidential, and we will not reveal who participated or who you voted for. It is permissible to vote for yourself, but we are able to accept only one response per email address. We reserve the right to otherwise adjust any “ballot stuffing” we may come across.

We value your input! We’ll share the results—with a little bit about those that make the list—in the next issue of Inland Business Catalyst, scheduled to hit the streets in early June. Thank you in advance! DEADLINE: FRIDAY, APRIL 15th, 2016 at 5:00 p.m.

SAVE THE DATE for the Power 50 Awards Ceremony at Chateau Rive in the Flour Mill on Thursday, June 23rd from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Question Title

* To validate your nominations please enter in your email: