Thanks for stepping up!

Thank you for expressing an interest in becoming more active in the TWU.  The contribution of active members like yourself is what gives our union the strength to win power for Transport Workers.

The more active our members are, both in your workplace and out, the more effective our union is.  The TWU is a movement for change and there are always opportunities for members to be more involved in our campaigns.

Whether it's attending one of our campaign actions, promoting TWU on social media, or becoming an active recruiter, there are endless opportunities for members to contribute.

For us to provide you the opportunities that interest you we need to know what industries you would like to become more involved in and what activities you would like to participate in.

Question Title

* 1. Name:

Question Title

* 2. Email:

Question Title

* 3. Worksite:

Question Title

* 4. Company:

Question Title

* 5. Region:

Question Title

* 6. Which industries are you interested in becoming active in? (You can select more than one)

Question Title

* 7. In what ways are you comfortable to contribute?

Question Title

* 8. So we can get in touch more easily, what's the best time and method to contact you? (e.g: phone call after 4:30pm/Text/Email)