Based on member feedback, ASMI is changing the way it communicates with members. Rather than a newsletter covering a wide variety of topics, communication to members will now be more targeted based on your nominated ‘topics of interest’. These communications will be sent as news breaks or as issues arise in real time. This will ensure members are served with relevant information in a timelier manner.

All ASMI members receive notification of ASMI events and updates from Associate and Ordinary members. Please do not hit ‘unsubscribe’ to these notices as this may unsubscribe you from special interest notifications. If you do not wish to receive events notices and updates from other members, email

In order to facilitate this, please identify your information preferences below.

Question Title

* 1. Contact details

Question Title

* 2. Type of member

Question Title

* 3. Please select the topics you would like to stay informed about:

Question Title

* 4. Are there any other topics you would like to hear about?