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* 1. How worried are you about the impact of coronavirus on you personally?

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* 2. How would you rate the impact of coronavirus on your company?

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* 3. Have you reduced staffing because of coronavirus?

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* 4. If you had a change in staffing, are they willing to return to work?

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* 5. What are the TOP THREE biggest challenges your business is currently facing while working through the pandemic?

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* 6. Thinking about your current business activity, how long is this something you could comfortably maintain without making significant changes?

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* 7. How often would you like to receive CHCC communication?

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* 8. Are you a CHCC Member? (Please note all employees of the Member Company are considered members).

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* 9. How confident are you that you have the right resources and benefits to help support you through this period?

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* 10. If you could ask the State of Connecticut a question regarding this pandemic, what is your single greatest pandemic related concern right now?