Thank you for being an important part of HandsOn Northwest North Carolina (HandsOn NWNC!) Your honest feedback helps us improve our efforts and better serve you and your organization. Please take 15-20 minutes to share your ideas and suggestions.  
This survey is anonymous. You will be given the option to offer your name and contact information so that we can follow up with you about specific topics or questions you may have.

Question Title

* 1. In the past year, to what extent has HandsOn NWNC helped you:

  Not at all Not much A little A good bit A great deal
Develop skills
Learn new information
Network with others
Access resources (other trainings, information, other professional contacts)

Question Title

* 2. In the past year, to what extent has HandsOn NWNC helped your organization:

  Not at all Not much A little A good bit A great deal
Develop the competencies, skills, and resources needed to achieve the organization’s goals
Develop the competencies, skills, and resources needed to increase the organization’s ability to be more sustainable
Tell the story of your efforts
Build or deepen partnerships
Access resources (such as volunteers or funding)
6% of survey complete.