Our goal is to save lives by educating disaster risk reduction and sustainability.

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Personal Preparedness Assessment
Please answer to your best knowledge. Thank you.

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* 1. According to survey, what is the percentage to those who do NOT have disaster family plans?

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* 2.  What is the percentage to those who had NOT conducted home evacuation drills? or don't even know what that is?

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* 3. Besides WATER and FOOD, what are the main resources you have to depend on in the event of emergency situations of natural disasters when no outside support is available? (you may choose more than one answer)

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* 4. What is the rule of thumb of water supply in the event of natural disasters strike ?

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* 5. Do you already have your survival kit?

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* 6. Have you established your Family Emergency plan?

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* 7. If you have established your Family Emergency plan, how often have you practiced drill with your family members?

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* 8. Do you have pets or animals live with you? Have you thought about including them in your Family Emergency plan?

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* 9. If you are a business owner:
  • What are your preparedness measures to your business?
  • How much time can your business afford to recovery? (ie. If you are a restaurant business owner: food storage, sanitation etc.)
  • What is your safety net for disaster recovery? 
  • What are your preparedness to accommodate your employees? (besides insurance coverage) 
  • Have you discussed or assigned a company disaster team?
  • Have you simulate any disaster drill besides the traditional fire drill?

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* 10.
Be Prepared. Survive. Recover.
Disaster Preparedness starts with having a Survival Kit and Family Emergency Plan. Start yours today !



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